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My Balcony Garden / Il mio orto sul balcone

By Handmade Eco, Tutorial No Comments

Questo piccolo giardino sta crescendo sul mio balcone. Ho erbe aromatiche durante tutto l’anno. è molto decorativo e anche divertente per sfogarci dallo stress della vita quotidiana. 

This small garden is growing on my balcony. i have different herbs during the whole year. It’s very decorative and also helps to have a bit of fun after the hard working days of daily life.

My balcony Garden 2

By Handmade Eco No Comments

Questo piccolo giardino sta crescendo sul mio balcone. Ho diverse erbe durante tutto l’anno. E ‘molto decorativo e aiuta anche ad avere un po’ di divertimento dopo le dure giornate di lavoro della vita quotidiana.

This small garden is growing on my balcony. i have different herbs during the whole year. It’s very decorative and also helps to have a bit of fun after the hard working days of daily life.