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Creatività a Londra

By Creative travels No Comments

I just got back from London. This magnific city has enriched my knowledge of art. I will not begin to tell you how wonderful is British architecture, art and culture, but in this post I wanted to show some very contemporary and Eco works.
They are made with the caps of the bottles, with the coins, with bubble gum and other non-tradizional materials. I founded them very interesting. The photos are not made really well, I did it with phone, but you can see the heart of the idea and realization.
I hope you will find interesting and creative as i founded them.

Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTBottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Kennedy- Butterflies Art

By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTKennedy- Butterflies Art

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Candy Ripley

By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley

Candy Ripley

Casset tape Art Whitney

By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art

Candy Art- Michael Jackson

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art

Candy Art

Number Book Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art

Toasts Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTToasts Art

Leaves Art

By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Leaves Art

Leaves Art

Stamp Art Saint

Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint

Stamp Art Saint Detail

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Queen Elithabeth

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Diana Ross portrait

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Dyana Ross

Sono appena tornata da Londra. Questa magnifica citta ha arricchito la mia conoscenza di arte notevolmente. Non inizio raccontarvi quanto è meravigliosa architettonica, arte e cultura Britanica, ma in questo post volevo farvi vedere alcune opere molto contemporanee e anche Eco se vogliamo chiamare.
Sono realizzati con i tappi delle bottiglie, con le monetine, con bubble gum e altri materiali non tradizionali. Ho trovato molto interessanti. Le foto non sono fatti proprio bene, ho fatto con cellulare, ma si può vedere il cuore della idea e realizzazione.
Spero che anche voi troverete belli e creativi come io.

Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTBottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Kennedy- Butterflies Art

By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTKennedy- Butterflies Art

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Candy Ripley

By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley

Candy Ripley

Casset tape Art Whitney

By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art

Candy Art- Michael Jackson

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art

Candy Art

Number Book Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art

Toasts Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTToasts Art

Leaves Art

By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Leaves Art

Leaves Art

Stamp Art Saint

Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint

Stamp Art Saint Detail

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Queen Elithabeth

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Diana Ross portrait

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Dyana Ross

სულ ცოტა ხნის წინ დავბრუნდი ლონდონიდან. არ დავიწყებ იმის მოყოლას თუ რამდენად საოცარი ქალაქია ლონდონი. ამ პოსტში მინდა ავტვირთო რამდენიმე ფოტო, რომლებიც მუზეუმ- ”Believe It Or Not” -ის დათვალიერების დროს აღმოვაჩინე.  ფოტოები ტელეფონით გადავიღე და პროფესიონალური ხარისხის არ არის,მაგრამ ძირითადი იდეა აღბეჭდილია და აღიქმება.
ამ ნამუშევრების განსაკუთრებულობა იმაშია,რომ ისინი შექმნილია უკვე უვარგისი,გამოუყენებელი ნივთებით: გამაგრილებელი სასმელების სახურავებით, ძველი კლავიატურებით, სატელეფონო ცნობარით და ა.შ.
იმედი მაქვს თქვენთვისაც საინტერესო იქნება 🙂


Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

by Molly B. Right from South Carolina
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTBottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Bottlecap Art : Michelle Obama

Kennedy- Butterflies Art

By Enrique Ramos
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTKennedy- Butterflies Art

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Keyboard Art: Abraham Lincoln

Candy Ripley

By Muralist Franz Spohn
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Ripley

Candy Ripley

Casset tape Art Whitney

By Casey Saline
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Casset tape Art

Candy Art- Michael Jackson

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Candy Art

Candy Art

Number Book Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Number Book Art

Toasts Art

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOTToasts Art

Leaves Art

By Adrian Lewis
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Leaves Art

Leaves Art

Stamp Art Saint

Artist James Butman
Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Stamp Art Saint

Stamp Art Saint Detail

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Queen Elithabeth

Coin ART Queen Elithabeth

Diana Ross portrait

Museum of London ,Oxford Street – BELIEVE IT OR NOT

Dyana Ross

Illustrazione di un compositore

By Illustrazione No Comments

Illustrazione di Andrea Trapasso , L’arte del suono. Compositore che ha creato tutti brani per il film ”TERRY” e autore di tanti altri brani.
Illustration of Andrea Trapasso. Composer who has created all songs for the film”” TERRY and author of many other tracks.
ANDREA_VMIllustrazione di Andrea Trapasso , L’arte del suono. Compositore che ha creato tutti brani per il film ”TERRY” e autore di tanti altri brani.
Illustration of Andrea Trapasso. Composer who has created all songs for the film”” TERRY and author of many other tracks.Illustrazione di Andrea Trapasso , L’arte del suono. Compositore che ha creato tutti brani per il film ”TERRY” e autore di tanti altri brani.
Illustration of Andrea Trapasso. Composer who has created all songs for the film”” TERRY and author of many other tracks.

DIY Candlestick Shabby Chic

By Handmade Eco, Tutorial No Comments

Ho fatto questa candelabro in stile Shabby Chic, con un bichiere di vetro semplicissimo di Ikea, e con la carta per i dolci. Servono meno di 5 minuti a farlo e lo fanno la sua figura 🙂
I made this candlestick in style –  Shabby Chic, with aa simple Ikea glass, and paper for sweets. It takes less than 5 minutes to do and it does her nice figure 🙂






By Handmade Eco, Tutorial No Comments

utilizzando Vecchie Scatole dei biscotti di burro, ho Creato QUESTO Contenitore per il Tè. Reutilizzando Vechi matteriali Risparmi Denaro e Dai Un piccolo Aiuto alla Nostra Pianetta.

Using old boxes of butter cookies, I created this container for tea. Reusing old materials you  save money and a give a little help our our Planet.


Puoi scegliere qualsiasi colore e stile. Come Classico e Shabby chic, anche modermo con i colori accesi,contrastati e anche pastelici.

You can choose any color and style. How Classico and Shabby chic, even moderm with the bright colors, contrasting and even pastelici.


Scarica e stampa immagine qui sotto.

Download and print image below.teapot_SHAPE_100